Thursday 22 September 2011

Chimay Brewery Blue

If I had to sum up this beer with a phrase, I think I would say that it is to beer what Jack Daniel's is to whiskey. It's somewhat on the bitter side and no matter how drunk you get you can still taste it's distinctive flavor - and yet it's extremely easy to drink. This beer is 9% alcohol by volume and on the darker side. This beer is really difficult for me to describe, but I still stand by my JD comparison. This thing really has a unique taste and has that mild 'burning' sensation in your throat, but without being too strong to handle. I think it would really suit a winter evening after a long day outside in the cold and snow, it sort of has that feeling that it warms me up. I do like this, and I think it'll be something that I'll drink more as the weather turns colder. Try this if you like strong beers or something that you can still taste after you're already drunk.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Alexander Keith's Brewery IPA

So someone requested that I do a review of an IPA since I haven't done any. The truth is that I just don't generally like the IPA style of beer. I mean I know that the whole overly bitter thing is the point of that style, but it isn't my vibe. Regardless, this is my first review of an IPA - so to start with, it's one I actually like. This may confuse readers at home, but this IPA is actually very mild. You don't get that feeling like the bitterness of the beer has just kicked your taste buds in the nut sack. This is a good thing for me. If anything, this beer is actually refreshing if you were to have it with a very hearty meal like a stew or a steak or something else beginning with 's' containing lots of meat that if I were more clever and less drunk I could think of. Anyways, try this beer if you're looking for something on the more bold side but that isn't overbearing. It still has that IPA vibe to it but it is much more balanced than most.

Phillips Brewing Co. Slipstream Cream Ale

So this is the first time I've ever had anything from Phillips Brewing Company and I have to say that they really didn't lie when they said it was a cream ale. This is a beer I really enjoy for the simple reason that it is exactly what they say it is: creamy. This beer is what I would describe as smooth. It's almost the opposite of those old Barq's root beer commercials where they proclaim how much bite it has. This stuff just slides over your tongue without being abrasive or bitey in any way. If that's your kind of thing you'll love this beer, and I have to say I'm a fan. I'll be keeping a look out for their other beers if they deliver to what they put on the label to that extent every time.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

St. Ambroise Apricot Wheat Ale

So I'm drinking this beer right now, and thus it will most likely be the most accurate review I've done to date. Now, typically most wheat beers/white ales/hefeweizens have somewhat of a fruit taste to them. This one has gone so far as to even put 'apricot' in the title of the beer so clearly it's no different  (in fact quickly looking at the ingredient list has just informed me that they put apricot in it). This beer is certainly sweet as you would expect, though it's more on the 'juice' side of fruit-infused beers. I mean if you drink it you aren't going to wonder if it's actually a beer or not but it does taste very strongly of apricots. Overall it is very good though, especially if sweet, fruity beers are your thing.

Crannog Ales Back Hand of God

Went down to a local pub by the name of St. Augustine's where they have 40 beers on tap. They do a thing called 'the paddle' where you can sample any 4. Earlier that day someone had come into my work and told me about this beer so I chose it as one of my four. Oh. My. God. Love this beer. It's very dark, 5.2% alcohol and wow what a taste. It's sort of like the Kahlua of beers. It has a bit of a coffee taste to it which is odd for a beer I know... but it works. Very different and certainly worth trying at least once. Seems like a good winter beer, great for a cold night and very bold flavor.

Big Rock Brewery Alberta Genuine Draft

Okay, so this is a ridiculously cheap beer. So I'm gonna review it as a ridiculously cheap beer instead of against other things that cost twice as much. To start with this beer was given to me as a tip at work. (Heads up people: beer is a great tip. If you want to tell your server that you absolutely adore them, buy them beer.) Anyways, this beer is actually pretty good. I was surprised because you can buy a 15 pack of this for a lot cheaper than most 12 packs. It tastes... almost like nothing. Which is actually great because I don't like water. If it's too hot outside to drink normal beer, go with this. Cold and refreshing on a hot summer day and easy to drink. I'm pretty sure I could get drunk on this stuff without even realizing it.

Central City Brewing Red Racer Pale Ale, White Ale and Lager

One day while browsing through my nearby BC Liquor Store I stumbled upon a sample pack of Red Racer beer. Intrigued I picked it up, seeing as everyone will always find at least one type of beer they like in a sample pack - and I looove sample packs. This one proved to be the exception. I first tried the pale ale as I tend to like darker and more flavorful beers (which pale ales tend to be.) I thought it as mislabeled and was actually an IPA (india pale ale) because it was soooo incredibly bitter. Not really my bag, but some people love that stuff. Moved on to the white ale because white beers tend to go great with summer due to their somewhat fruit-like taste. It tasted almost exactly the same as the pale ale. Odd. Not very good. With great hesitation I moved on to the lager, which, you guessed it - tasted exactly the same as the other two. Yes, there are subtly differences to each one but not really enough to be producing beers under different labels because of it. They ALL taste incredibly bitter and very very strong (in a bad way). I've never actually tasted pure gasoline, but I'm pretty sure it would taste like these beers. If you like really bitter beer then pick up one of these packs but otherwise avoid it at all costs. The short version: you're getting three of the same beers with very slight differences between them and all of them are overpoweringly bitter.