Saturday 17 September 2011

Alexander Keith's Brewery IPA

So someone requested that I do a review of an IPA since I haven't done any. The truth is that I just don't generally like the IPA style of beer. I mean I know that the whole overly bitter thing is the point of that style, but it isn't my vibe. Regardless, this is my first review of an IPA - so to start with, it's one I actually like. This may confuse readers at home, but this IPA is actually very mild. You don't get that feeling like the bitterness of the beer has just kicked your taste buds in the nut sack. This is a good thing for me. If anything, this beer is actually refreshing if you were to have it with a very hearty meal like a stew or a steak or something else beginning with 's' containing lots of meat that if I were more clever and less drunk I could think of. Anyways, try this beer if you're looking for something on the more bold side but that isn't overbearing. It still has that IPA vibe to it but it is much more balanced than most.

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