Tuesday 13 September 2011

Central City Brewing Red Racer Pale Ale, White Ale and Lager

One day while browsing through my nearby BC Liquor Store I stumbled upon a sample pack of Red Racer beer. Intrigued I picked it up, seeing as everyone will always find at least one type of beer they like in a sample pack - and I looove sample packs. This one proved to be the exception. I first tried the pale ale as I tend to like darker and more flavorful beers (which pale ales tend to be.) I thought it as mislabeled and was actually an IPA (india pale ale) because it was soooo incredibly bitter. Not really my bag, but some people love that stuff. Moved on to the white ale because white beers tend to go great with summer due to their somewhat fruit-like taste. It tasted almost exactly the same as the pale ale. Odd. Not very good. With great hesitation I moved on to the lager, which, you guessed it - tasted exactly the same as the other two. Yes, there are subtly differences to each one but not really enough to be producing beers under different labels because of it. They ALL taste incredibly bitter and very very strong (in a bad way). I've never actually tasted pure gasoline, but I'm pretty sure it would taste like these beers. If you like really bitter beer then pick up one of these packs but otherwise avoid it at all costs. The short version: you're getting three of the same beers with very slight differences between them and all of them are overpoweringly bitter.

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